Cristina + Dan
Cristina has been involved in events and outreach for the last 15 years, working with youth for both inner city and for overseas missions. Cristina is strong in her faith and believes that everyone was born with a purpose to always inspire others to dream big and believe nothing is impossible. She loves her position with the Salvation Army as their Fund Development and Communications Coordinator where she has the opportunity to be a part of a team that Gives Hope for today. She is full of life and there is nothing she wouldn’t do to help someone better themselves in making a difference.
Dan is a teacher and Principal within the Fort McMurray Public School Division and is always dedicated to helping the community around him. He is an active musician in our region and is known to be a willing part of anything, along with Cristina, that builds the community and supports all the great endeavors in Fort McMurray.
Cristina & Dan are a powerhouse couple, but are they are a powerhouse on the dance floor?